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Neumünster Album

53 Min. | 2018
Martin Harai, Shoemaker
Delfine Szudra, Princesse du Benin
Mark-Christoph Klee, Dancer
  • Summary

    An episodic film about a small town in the middle of Schleswig-Holstein. Filmmakers Quinka Stoehr and Fredo Wulf show different people from Neumünster. Episodes about different people’s lives are aligned in seemingly random order. Step by step, thematic similarities are set. The film revolves around questions of identity, home, loss of home, tradition, change of work, the role of art, and death. Intensive moments are captured on film that question and keep us busy: being embedded in your own narrative that often tells a bigger story.
    Tales of stubbornness, engagement, arriving and staying, searching, and finding. Stories of perseverance and change.

  • Team

    Director and Camera: Quinka F. Stoehr,
    Co-Director and Sound mixing: Fredo Wulf
    Editor: Gregor Bartsch

    sponsored by Hans Hoch Foundation and Kulturelle Filmförderung Hamburg/Schleswig-Holstein eV.

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